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Giardini Wallcoverings

Giardini Wallcoverings

Established in 2010 as part of the Giardini family business (founded in 1872), Giardini Wallcoverings offers sophisticated textile wallcoverings from Milan. Aiming to create a range of wallcoverings with extensive choices and a contemporary look, the company built a network of over thirty small and medium-sized family-run factories, mainly based in Lombardy, Italy. These factories, specializing in the fashion industry, understand the standards required for wallcoverings and prioritize quality, design, and environmental sustainability. They employ environmentally-friendly production processes, renewable energy sources, and prefer renewable or natural raw materials.

The Italian fashion heritage, reshaped in Giardini’s Textile Wallcoverings, accentuates its timeless craftmanship and promotes the concept of uncomplicated luxury, valuing simplicity over opulence.

Feature Product


Sueded fine pile microfiber wallcovering.

Immerse yourself in the essence of Italian craftsmanship with our Faux Finish Wallcoverings. Meticulously handcrafted, each piece embodies the organic textures of leather, offering a touch of rustic luxury to your interiors. Elevate your space with unparalleled elegance and timeless sophistication.


Allen Kirsch is available at select David Sutherland showrooms. Select a location below for address information, upcoming events and additional lines represented in these locations.


Dallas, TX

Houston, TX